hello, my name is


I am a color picker component for the Ionic Framework.

I may hopefully help you if you want the users of your ionic application to choose a color from rgb, hsl, hsv color spaces or just from a predefined list of colors, including css named colors.

I am very easy to use, with just one ng-model aware angularjs directive to get a full working color picker.

My user interface is based on $ionicModal to provide an ui context to choose a color so you can use me pretty much anywhere in your application.

You can control my look and behavior via a rich set of options.

Here is a codepen of me in action.

I was built @ INMAGIK, a software development company based in Bergamo, Italy.

To know everything about me, please visit my
project page on github and feel free to add issues and pull requests to help me getting better.

If you want to support my development take a look at my page on the Ionic Market.