List Plugin
Use cases
When interacting with a paginated REST API:
- the API returns only a page of the collection at the time, with metadata specifying the position of the page and the total number of pages or objects in the collection.
- some parameters are passed to API requests to identify the page we want to load
This plugins adds pagination state management and related selectors to get:
- current, next and previous pages references
- total items count
Since pagination parametrization and metadata can be implemented with different strategies (page number pagination, limit-offset pagination, token-based pagination, etc.), this plugin offers the possibility to use different adapters. Some common adapters are provided, specifically implemented for django-rest-framework pagination classes, but that may be used as a reference for other pagination adapters
import { rj } from 'redux-rocketjump'
import rjList, { nextPreviousPaginationAdapter } from 'redux-rocketjump/plugins/list'
const {
selectors: {
getList: getItems,
getCount: getItemsCount,
getNumPages: getItemsNumPages,
getPrev: getItemsPrev,
getNext: getItemsNext,
hasPrev: hasItemsPrev,
hasNext: hasItemsNext,
actions: {
load: loadItems,
unload: unloadItems,
} = rj(
pageSize: 50,
pagination: nextPreviousPaginationAdapter
state: 'items',
type: GET_ITEMS,
api: ({page}) => fetch(`${page}`)
.then(response => response.json())
Creating a pagination adapter
A pagination adapter is just a plain JavaScript object with a fixed interface. Any field can be a string or a selector. If it is a string, is will be used through lodash.get()
// When a request to the paginated API is made, this selector is used to extract actual data from response
list: 'results',
// When a request to the paginated API is made, this selector is used to extract the number of data elements contained in the response
count: 'count',
// When a request to the paginated API is made, this selector is used to determine the number of the loaded page
current: pickPage,
// When a request to the paginated API is made, this selector is used to extract the params to pass to the request to load the next page
// If there is no next page, this should return null
next: ({ next }) => pickParamsFromUrl(next, pickPage),
// When a request to the paginated API is made, this selector is used to extract the params to pass to the request to load the previous page
// If there is no previous page, this should return null
previous: ({ previous }) => pickParamsFromUrl(previous, pickPage),