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Version: 2.x

RocketJump Composition

RocketJumps can be merged!

As stated in the initial part of the API description, the rj constructor can take several arguments, each of which can be the result of a previous call (provided that the effect property was not set), a provided plugin, or a configuration object. Calling rj with several arguments is interpreted as a composition will.

const rj1 = rj({ /* config 1 */ })
const rj2 = rj({ /* config 2 */ })
const __GENERATED__ = rj(
{/* last config */ },

How does composition work?#

Consider the following example

const rj0 = rj({ /* config R */ });
const rj1 = rj(rj0, { /* config O */ });
const rj2 = rj({ /* config C */ });
const final = rj(rj1, rj2, { /* config K */ });

The composition order goes from top to bottom and from left to right. Hence, in our example, we have the following composition order: config R > config O > config C > config K.

Different composition strategies#

Due to the wide variety of available configuration properties, it is not possible to define a global composition strategy. Instead, we can describe some composition strategies which describe how different properties are composed

Chain properties#

Chain properties are actions and selectors

Chain properties are so called because they are functions that are invoked in chain (i.e. the output of the previous one is the input of the second one) in composition order at composition time. The argument of the first call is the default value. At the end, the RocketJump Object will contain only the output of the last call.

In our example, let's pretend that all the four config objects (R, O, C, K) define the actions property. Composition works like this:

  • the default action bag is generated
  • the actions transform of configR is called with the default action bag as parameter, and its output merged with the default action bag to produce tempActionBag1
  • the actions transform of configO is called with tempActionBag1 as parameter, and its output is merged with tempActionBag1 to create tempActionBag2
    • the actions transform of configC is called with tempActionBag2 as parameter, and its output is merged with tempActionBag2 to create tempActionBag3
    • the actions transform of configK is called with tempActionBag3 as parameter, and its output is merged with tempActionBag3 to create tempActionBag4
  • tempActionBag4 is the final action bag

Recursive properties#

Recursive properties are reducer, (composeReducer), effectCaller

Recursive properties are so called because they involve runtime function composition: the final value is a function which is the mathematical composition of the functions defined in the merged configurations in composition order.

composeReducer here is put in parenthesis because it is not involved directly in composition, being squashed onto the reducer property before composition starts (i.e. with respect to composition, there is no composeReducer property, but only reducer, which contains also all the composed reducers)

Let's pretend that all the four config objects (R, O, C, K) define the reducer property. Composition works like this:

  • the default reducer is generated
  • a new reducer is created by transforming the default reducer as stated in configR to create tempReducer1
  • a new reducer is created by transforming tempReducer1 as stated in configO to create tempReducer2
  • a new reducer is created by transforming tempReducer2 as stated in configC to create tempReducer3
  • a new reducer is created by transforming tempReducer3 as stated in configK to create tempReducer4
  • tempReducer4 is the final reducer

Let's pretend that all the four config objects (R, O, C, K) define the effectCaller property. Composition works like this:

  • the default effectCaller is generated
  • when the user triggers an effect run, the following things happen:
    • the effectCaller specified in configR is called, with its effect argument set to a fake effect function
    • when the fake effect function is called with ...args, the effectCaller set in configO is called with ...args and with a second fake effect function
    • when this second fake effect function is called with ...args, the effectCaller set in configC is called with ...args and with a third fake effect function
    • when this third fake effect function is called with ...args, the effectCaller set in configK is called with ...args and with a the default effect caller as its effect parameter

Merged properties#

Merged property is only computed

Merged properties are merged using plain object assignment in composition order

Overwrite properties#

Overwrite properties are takeEffect, name

Overwrite properties are not merged, the last configuration in composition order defining it wins