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Version: 2.x

Connecting RJ Objects

Connecting a RocketJump Object within a React component means:

  • creating a state object to hold the result of the task
  • creating selectors for easy access to the state object
  • instantiating a reducer to manage the state object
  • creating action creators to manage the task and the state object
  • start a side effect pipeline

Once a RockerJump Object is connected to a component, you get back two useful objects

  • the state object, which contains data produced by your side effect
  • the action bag, which contains a bunch of action dispatchers you can use to control the RocketJump object

You can read more about state and action in the following section, now let's focus with the main alternatives the library offers to connect the rocketjump world and the react world

You can choose several options to instantiate a RocketJump Object:

  • useRj hook, which is the most simple (and most customizable)
  • useRunRj hook, which is a very descriptive and powerful solution for many common cases
  • connectRj HOC, which is a legacy solution to work with class based components