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Builder Mode


The main point of v3 is the ability to inferring the type of RjObject by your configuration and plugins.

When using the standard rj constructor rj(...plugins, config) some stuff can't be infered Es.. (the type of state in selectors) to avoid bad types in some situation we give up and we fallback to any.

We expected that in future version of Typescript we can improve the types experience.

If your are interessed there is an open issue.

Here at InMagik Labs we follow this mantra:

Mater artium necessitas

So to have the maxium from Typescript we introduce the Builder Mode!

Use builder mode#

When you invoke rj() or rjPlugin() without parameters you enter the builder mode.

Instead of providing big object of options you chain the same option as builder and when your are done call .effect({ ... }) on rj() to build an RjObject or .build() on rjPlugin() to build a plugin.

rj builder mode#

When use the builder mode with rj you should a logic order to permit the library to infer good types.
First, if you need them, you can to specify .plugins().

rj().plugins(p1, p2)

Then, if you need them , you can specify .reducer(), .composeReducer(), .combineReducers() and .actions().

.reducer((oldReducer) => newReducer)
.composeReducer((state, action) => nextState)
.actions((prevActions) => ({
myAwesomeAction: () => {},

At this point you can define .mutations(). Why now? Simple now RocketJump can infer the REAL state in your updater function and suggest the string names infered from your previous .actions() configure and even from your plugins! I encourge you to try the following example in vscode:

.actions(() => ({
bu: () => ({ type: 'BU' }),
.reducer(() => () => 99)
myMutation: {
effect: () => Promise.reject(),
// number type is infered!
updater: (state) => state.toFixed(2),
// 'bu' type is suggest to you if you try insert a string!
updater: 'bu',

Ok, now you can provide .selectors() and have the state infered by RocketJump.

dragon: () => new Date(),
rejectAliens: {
effect: () => Promise.reject(),
updater: 'updateData',
reducer: () => ({ pending: true }),
.selectors(() => ({
// Oh yes baby state.dragon is infered as Date
getYearOfDragon: (state) => state.dragon.getFullYear(),
// ... And yes also mutations state is infered!
// state.mutations.rejectAliens.pending is boolean
isRejectingAliens: (state) => state.mutations.rejectAliens.pending,

The last possible configuration before closing the builder is .computed(). ...And yes what you think is exact we can infer both selector names and the final state!

dragon: () => new Date(),
rejectAliens: {
effect: () => Promise.reject(),
updater: 'updateData',
reducer: () => ({ pending: true }),
.selectors(() => ({
getYearOfDragon: (state) => state.dragon.getFullYear(),
// All merged selector are provided as union!
dragonYear: 'getYearOfDragon',
// ... Finally yes all the state with mutations is infered!
rejectingAliens: (state) => state.mutations.rejectAliens.pending,

Where at the end, to close builder inovke the .effect() method and the RjObject is returned!

You call .effect() with a function it's used as short cat as effect function:

const MyObj = rj().effect(() => Promise.resolve('XD'))
// very close to
const MyObj = rj(() => Promise.resolve('XD'))

Otherwise you can provide all effect related property:

effect: EffectFn,
takeEffect?: TakeEffects,
effectCaller?: RjEffectCaller,
effectPipeline?: RjEffectPipeliner,
addSideEffect?: TakeEffectHanlder,
name?: string,

rj plugin builder mode#

All rules described for the rj builder also applied to the rj plugin builder. Logic, for plugin builder plugins rules are applied. So .computed() and .mutations() methods are not available. To close rjPlugin builder and return an RjObject you should call the .close() method, (this is different from rj builder cause in plugin there are no required options).

An example:

const p1 = rjPlugin()
.reducer((oldReducer) => (state, action) => {
/** **/
.actions(() => ({
hello: () => ({ type: 'Hello' }),
plus: () => 88,
// ...
const MyObj = rj(p1, () => Promise.resolve(true))

Final considerations#

The builder mode is not only useful to writing configrations the accurated types infered in the configuration are also applied to the final RjObject.

The good news it's that, where is possible, this advantage works good even in plain JavaScrit environment.

So using the example from previous sections:

const WeirdState = rj()
dragon: () => new Date(),
rejectAliens: {
effect: () => Promise.reject(),
updater: 'updateData',
reducer: () => ({ pending: true }),
.selectors(() => ({
getYearOfDragon: (state) => state.dragon.getFullYear(),
dragonYear: 'getYearOfDragon',
rejectingAliens: (state) => state.mutations.rejectAliens.pending,
.effect(() => Promise.reject())
function Hello() {
const [
// type number is infered
// type boolean is inferd
// All special method such withMeta, onSuccess, ecc are infered
] = useRunRj(WeirdState)