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RjObject is the base type of RocketJump it's the container that represent a piece of your "data source logic".

Concretely an RjObject contains:


You can create RjObjects using the rj() function. The only mandatory input to create an RjObject is an effect function of type: (...args) => Promise | Observable.

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const MyObj = rj(() => Promise.resolve('Hello Rj!'))
// is equivalent to:
const MyObj = rj({
effect: () => Promise.resolve('Hello Rj!'),


When consuming an RjObject from React hooks or HOCs you receive from them some state and action creators.

import { useRj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const [state, actions] = useRj(MyObj)

Default state#

The rj() defaults are designed to store the last effect results along with some meta information and give to consumers a state with this shape:

data: any,
pending: boolean,
error: any
  • data: The last effect result, null on start.
  • pending: A flag that indicates if your effect is in flying.
  • error: The eventually effect error, null on start.

Default action creators#

The rj() defaults action creators are designed to work with the default state and given effect and are:

  • run(...args: any[]): trigger effect, ...args are passed as effect inputs, set pending to true and error to null,
  • cancel(): cancel effect execution, set pending to false.
  • clean(): cancel effect execution, set pending to false, data and error to null.
  • updateData(newData): set the data value to newData.

React example#

This is a complete example using the concept exposed above:

import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { rj, useRj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const UserState = rj({
effect: (id) => fetch(`/api/user/${id}`).then((r) => r.json()),
function UserCard({ id }) {
const [{ data, pending, error }, { run, clean }] = useRj(HelloState)
useEffect(() => {
return clean
}, [run, clean, id])
return <div>{data && <h1>Hello {}</h1>}</div>

Returning clean in useEffect is only needed if you want to clear data value when id changes. The reason isn't to avoid setting state on unmounted component. ALL effect are guarantee to be canceld when component unmount.

You can write it in a more concise way using the useRunRj hook instead of useRj, learn more on how to cunsume RjObjects.

import { rj, useRunRj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const UserState = rj({
effect: (id) => fetch(`/api/user/${id}`).then((r) => r.json()),
function UserCard({ id }) {
const [{ data, pending, error }] = useRunRj(HelloState, [id])
return <div>{data && <h1>Hello {}</h1>}</div>