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Migration from 2.x to 3.x

This is a crash guide to updrage RocketJump from version 2.x to 3.x version.

Rewrite custom plugin from rj() to rjPlugin()#

If you have written custom plugin simply replace the plugin code from using rj() to rjPlugin().
If you use core plugins are alredy converted.

From v2:

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const myPlugin = rj({
// ... Plugin Code ...
const MyObj = rj(myPlugin, () => Promise.resolve())

To v3:

import { rj, rjPlugin } from 'react-rocketjump'
const myPlugin = rjPlugin({
// ... Plugin Code ...
const MyObj = rj(myPlugin, () => Promise.resolve())

No more plugin computed#

Computed are no more availables on plugins so if you use plugins that provide computed you should specify them manually.

The following examples are tired to RocketJump core plugins the same thoughs can be applied to your custom plugin.


From v2:

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
import rjPlainList from 'react-rocketjump/plugins/plainList'
const MyObj = rj(rjPlainList(), {
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),

To v3:

To have the same computed on RjObject.

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
import rjPlainList from 'react-rocketjump/plugins/plainList'
const MyObj = rj(rjPlainList(), {
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),
computed: {
error: 'getError',
loading: 'isLoading',
list: 'getList',


From v2:

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
import rjList from 'react-rocketjump/plugins/list'
const MyObj = rj(rjList(), {
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),

To v3:

To have the same computed on RjObject.

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
import rjList from 'react-rocketjump/plugins/list'
const MyObj = rj(rjList(), {
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),
computed: {
error: 'getError',
loading: 'isLoading',
list: 'getList',
pagination: 'getPagination',

No more special @mutation computed#

The special '@mutation' computed was removed. To use mutations state you should write your selectors or better provide inline computed.

From v2:

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const MyObj = rj({
mutations: {
writeStuff: rj.mutation.single({
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),
updater: 'updateData',
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),
computed: {
writing: '@mutation.writeStuff.pending'

To v3:


If you want to save time and you love regex you can use find-replace with the following regex:
s => s.mutations.$2

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const MyObj = rj({
mutations: {
writeStuff: rj.mutation.single({
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),
updater: 'updateData',
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),
computed: {
writing: (s) => s.mutations.writeStuff.pending,

Selectors use all state instead of root state#

In RocketJump v2 the state can change shape depending on your mutation confiuration, but you selector was only related to root state:

In v2:

pending: boolean,
error: any,
data: any

In v3 the selector shape is:

root: {
pending: boolean,
error: any,
data: any

If you use RocketJump selectors your code still working.
The code below works bot in v2 and v3.

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const MyObj = rj({
selectors: ({ getData }) => {
getGoodData: (state) =>
(getData(state) ?? []).filter((a) => a.good === true)
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),

While this code is break in v3:

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const MyObj = rj({
selectors: ({ getData }) => {
getGoodData: (state) => ( ?? []).filter((a) => a.good === true)
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),

You can fix it by adding root or using RocketJump selectors.
This is the code translated for v3:

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const MyObj = rj({
selectors: ({ getData }) => {
getGoodData: (state) =>
( ?? []).filter((a) => a.good === true)
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),

Selectors and actions enhancers#

In v2 you can write it as:

selectors: {
newSelectors: prevSelectors => state => /** **/,
actions: {
newAction: prevActions => (...args) => /** **/,

In v3 you can ONLY use this syntax (the most used):

selectors: (prevSelectors) => ({
newSelectors: state => /** **/,
actions: (prevActions) => ({
newAction: (...args) => /** **/,

Compose reducer init#

In version 2.x the composeReducer ins't a simple composition utility, but it merge the inital values of provided composed function, since v3 composeReducer simply compose reducers.

In v2:

const { reducer } = rj({
composeReducer: (state = { foo: 23 }) => state,
// Root State Shape:
pending: false,
error: null,
data: null,
foo: 23,

In v3:

const { reducer } = rj({
composeReducer: (state = { foo: 23 }) => state,
// Root State Shape:
pending: false,
error: null,
data: null,

You can achieve the same result by doing:

const { reducer } = rj({
composeReducer: (state, action) => {
if (action.type === INIT) {
return { ...state, foo: 23 }
return state

Rename makeAction to makeEffectAction#

The makeAction name was too generic and confusing the only reason you have to use this helper is works with side effect we renamed it to makeEffectAction.

From v2:

import { makeAction } from 'react-rocketjump'

To v3:

import { makeEffectAction } from 'react-rocketjump'

Change behaviour of custom effect action#

In version 2.x all custom effect action are always dispatched to reducer. Es:.

In v2:

import { rj, makeAction } from 'react-rocketjump'
actions: () => ({
bu: () => makeAction('BU'),

In v2 calling actions.bu() was supposed to be dispatched in reducer. Since v3 you have to manually handle how 'BU' type side effect is handled. To simple dispatch it on reducer the code should be something like:

import { rj, makeEffectAction } from 'react-rocketjump'
import { filter } from 'rxjs/operators'
actions: () => ({
bu: () => makeEffectAction('BU'),
addSideEffect: (actionObservable) =>
actionObservable.pipe(filter((action) => action.type === 'BU')),

We also change the custom takeEffect signature to TakeEffectHanlder:

interface TakeEffectBag {
effect: EffectFn
getEffectCaller: GetEffectCallerFn
prefix: string
interface StateObservable<S = any> extends Observable<S> {
value: S
type TakeEffectHanlder = (
actionsObservable: Observable<EffectAction>,
stateObservable: StateObservable,
effectBag: TakeEffectBag,
...extraArgs: any[]
) => Observable<Action>

Deprecated rj.configured()#

We deprectated the rj.configured() syntax in favor of simply 'configured' string when setting the effectCaller option.

From v2:

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const MyObj = rj({
effectCaller: rj.configured(),
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),

To v3:

import { rj } from 'react-rocketjump'
const MyObj = rj({
effectCaller: 'configured',
effect: () => Promise.resolve(),