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Every RjObject has its own reducer that describe its internal state and how this state changes in response of actions.

Default reducer#

If you don't specify anything the default reducer crafted when creating a RjObject has this state shape:

root: {
data: any
error: any
pending: boolean

When consuming an RjObject the default computed state is the state under root key.

RocketJump use redux style actions:

interface Action<T extends string> {
type: T
[extraProps: string]: any

The action types handled by this reducer are:

interface PendingAction {
type: 'PENDING'
meta: Record<string, any>

PENDING action is dispatched when your effect starts default root reducer implementation make pending true.

interface SuccessAction {
type: 'SUCCESS'
payload: {
params: any[]
data: any
meta: Record<string, any>

SUCCESS action is dispatched when your effect resolves / complete the data key on payload contains the effect result. Default root reducer implementation make pending false and fill the data key with from action.

interface FailureAction {
type: 'FAILURE'
payload: any
meta: Record<string, any>

FAILURE action is dispatched when your effect rejects / error the payload key on action contains the error generated from effect. Default root reducer implementation make pending false and fill the error key with payload from action.

interface UpdateDataAction {
payload: any

UPDATE_DATA action is dispatched from default action creator updateData. Default root reducer implementation set the payload as new data.

interface CancelAction {
type: 'CANCEL'
payload: any

CANCEL action is dispatched from default action creator cancel. Default root reducer implementation set the pending to false.

interface CancelAction {
type: 'CLEAN'
payload: any

CLEAN action is dispatched from default action creator clean. Default root reducer implementation set reset pending, data and error to default state:

pending: false,
data: null,
error: null,

In addition when your RjObject is initialized the INIT action is also dispatched.

interface InitAction {
type: 'INIT'

Finally the last RocketJump core action is the RUN action. Dispathed when the effect is triggered.

interface RunAction {
type: 'RUN',
payload: {
params: any[]
meta: Record<string, any>

Default root reducer implementation doesn't listen to this action.

INIT, RUN, CANCEL, CLEAN, PENDING, SUCCESS, FAILURE and UPDATE_DATA action types are all export from 'react-rocketjump' module:

import {
} from 'react-rocketjump'

We call the reducer under the root key the root reducer, you can extend the root reducer or add others reducers under specific keys.

You can find reducer under reducer property in your RjObject.

const obj = rj(() => Promise.resolve('Hello'))
const state = obj.reducer(undefined, { type: 'INIT' })

Extending root reducer#

Your can extend the root reducer using the reducer property in rj constructor or the reducer mehtod when using Builder syntax, learn more about builder invocation vs function invocation.

This option should be a function with the old reducer as input and the new reducer as output.

function counterReducer(state = { counter: 0 }, action) {
if (action.type === 'INCREMENT') {
return {
counter: state.counter + 1,
return state
effect: () => Promise.resolve('Hello'),
reducer: (baseRootReducer) => counterReducer,

Tipically the reducer option is used when you want overwrite the default reducer or your want to change default behaviour.

If your only needs is to add a new action handled by default reducer you can use the composeReducer option.

This option should be a reducer with the same shape of default reducer and it's used to compose your reducer.

effect: () => Promise.resolve('Hello'),
composeReducer: (state, action) => {
if (action.type === 'APPEND' && {
return {
return state

The final reducer has the default reducer plus can handle the APPEND action type.

Adding new reducers#

You can adding new reducers next to root reducer using combineReducers option, this option must be an object indexed by the reducers you want to add, under the hood the old but good redux combineReducers is used.

function counterReducer(state = 0, action) {
if (action.type === 'INCREMENT') {
return {
counter: state + 1,
return state
function lastSuccessAtReducer(state = null, action) {
if (action.type === 'SUCCESS') {
return new Date().getTime()
return state
effect: () => Promise.resolve('Hello'),
combinerReducers: {
counter: counterReducer,
lastSuccessAt: lastSuccessAtReducer

Reducers provided in combinerReducers still has access to ALL actions.